asterisk-iconTechnographics Advantage asterisk-iconChannel Discovery asterisk-iconICP Discovery asterisk-iconProspect Data Enrichment asterisk-iconAccount Based Marketing asterisk-iconEmail Campaigning
asterisk-iconTechnographics Advantage asterisk-iconChannel Discovery asterisk-iconICP Discovery asterisk-iconProspect Data Enrichment asterisk-iconAccount Based Marketing asterisk-iconEmail Campaigning

What we do

Delivering tailored insights on technology usage and ICP data discovery

Highly Accurate Insights

Highly Accurate Insights

With our state-of-the-art verification methodology, all the technographics, firmographics and demographics insights are 100% accurate and we vouch for it.

Target with Precision

Target with Precision

Get super niche and targeted with your ICP from any geo, company sizes, tech stacks or personas with our customizable filter options, customized consulting approach.

Most Recent Tech Stacks

Most Recent Tech Stacks

Our technology stacks get updated on regular basis through the AI driven and intelligent automation methodologies.

Prospect Data types

Prospect Data types

Within the B2B prospect data, customize by verticals, personas, technologies, channel partnerships, industry specific filters to get your prospect database ready for maximum engagements.

our approach

Revolutionizing tech marketing & B2B ICP identification

our mission

To revolutionize the way technology and B2B companies market their products and services with unparalleled technographics, B2B data insights and highest accuracy on the insights about the prospective customers, ultimately fuelling growth.

our vision

To deconceptualize the “one platform fits all” model for prospecting and data needs of IT and B2B companies.

what we have

STACKO.IO in numbers.

Leveraging AI, ML, NLP, data mining, webhooks, billions of public assets and combining the advanced algorithms with big data analytics to deliver precise and actionable technology stack information and B2B data insights.

Tech vendors


Tech vendors Around the World

MSP & Partner profiles globally


MSP & Partner profiles globally

Insights for each Companies


Insights for each Companies




Company Profiles


Company Profiles

ountries covered


Countries covered

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